To make your meal a masterpiece, you need the most mouthwatering, fresh food you can find. Don't settle for the bland, processed foods you can find at other stores. Come to our specialty grocery store in Haslett, MI. We have a wide selection of...
- Local beer: Did you know? Many of the top-rated breweries in the U.S. are located right here in Michigan. We're proud to have their products on our shelves.
- Exotic spices: You can't make masterful cuisine without the proper seasonings. Luckily, we carry many special spices that you can't find at other supermarkets.
- International food: You don't need a passport to enjoy the finest imported wines and cheeses. A quick trip to our specialty grocery store will expose you to a vast cultural experience.
If you're searching for a specific product, please don't hesitate to ask our staff for assistance. We're here to assist you in making your shopping experience easy and enjoyable.